Showing 1–40 of 41 results

Kinn Bryggeri
– Wild beer with Brettanomyces 6,5%
Freshly bottled, Alvor (Serious) is a lively, top-fermented, classic Belgian Trappist. But as the wild yeast propagates, other notes come increasingly into prominence. Allow the bottles to mature in the basement for a year or so, and you will understand what we mean. Have a bottle on hand as you “get serious” with Norwegian fermented “rakfisk”, cured leg of mutton, or goats-milk chèvre.
Malt: Pilsner, Munich, Crystal and Black malt
Hops: Magnum, Mittelfrüh, Fuggles and Bobek
Yeast: Fermentis T-58 + Brettanomyces Bruxellensis
At vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– English Barleywine 12%
Med inspirasjon frå legendariske Allsopp’s Arctic Ale, som var fast ekspedisjonsproviant for britiske polarekspedisjonar på slutten av 1800-talet, har vi no bryggja dette ekstra kraftige ølet. Sidan det berre er brukt malt som ekstraktgrunnlag her, er bryggjeprosessen intens og tidkrevjande. Både den høge alkoholen og restsødmen til ølet gjer til at det skal klare mange kuldegrader utan å fryse til is. Vårt ekspedisjonsøl vil like mange år i ein mørk og sval kjellar, og vil med åra utvikle tonar av nøtter, fiken, svisker og portvin. Passar til kalde vinterkveldar, gjerne med ein kraftig ost til.
Malt: Pilsner malt and caramel malt
Hops: Hallertau Northern Brewer and Cascade
Yeast: Wyeast 2278 Czech Pilsner

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgian triple 9,0%
Named after the Devil, as the label drawing indicates, Bøvelen is a Tripel that demands respect. Once we saw how the Belgian Trappist monks brew their strong beers, we just knew we had to continue the tradition in Kinn Brewery. Despite the high alcohol content, Bøvelen is a refreshing beer. Like a true Belgian Tripel the colour is golden, the notes well-balanced in the Belgian style, with sprightly hoppiness and a tiny hint of sweetness in the finish. The alcohol, by contrast, is well concealed. This Devil’s Brew is a feisty companion to cheese, rich fish dishes and as an aperitif.
Malt: Pilsner malt and sugar
Hops: East Kent Goldings and Hallertau Mittelfrüh
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At Vinmonopolet

Brottsjø – Kinn Bryggeri
– Double IPA 8,5%
Kinn Brottsjø – the aptly named “crashing wave” – is our double IPA containing no less than 8.5 % alcohol. Brewmasters strive to strike the right balance between maltiness and hoppiness in extra strong beers, so we rely on Belgian Trappist monks for the yeast and a generous helping of sugar to bring out the ideal blend of malty sweetness and alcohol. The hoppy punch derives from American Zeus, Citra, and Mosaic, with just a touch of Japanese Sorachi Ace. The resultant brew is fruity and spicy all at once. With such a powerful taste, this beer is best enjoyed by itself. Or you can combine with a platter of strong cheeses.
Malt: Pilsner and Pale Ale malt
Hops: Zeus, Sorachi Ace, Citra, and Mosaic
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Extra Bitter IPA 6,0%
Bygdeoriginal (Village Original) is for the earthy connoisseur who has tired of the uberhopped hipster IPAs and the mad rush of city life. This true bitter has just the right hoppy aroma. A beer that tastes like beer, you might say. Bygdeoriginal blends two sturdy Germanic sorts: Northern Brewer and Tettnanger, famed for their grassy, floral and spicy flavours. Ideal on its own, but also useful in company with others…
Malt: Pilsner, Carafa Special
Hops: Northern Brewer and Tettnanger
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– American Steam Beer 4,5%
Our very own Dampen – meaning Steamboat – is reminiscent of the classic Anchor Steam Beer from San Francisco. Following the original lines, Dampen is brewed with lager yeasts at high temperatures. The result is moderate fruitiness from the yeasting process, and a fine malty presence. Dampen evinces a delicate balance of hoppiness and malt, with the hops slightly in the ascendance. German Northern Brewer hops are preferred, tempered with a little American Cascade towards the end of the boil. The resulting brew has a pure, bitter note, combined with a slightly spicy aroma reminiscent of wood, citrus, mint, and blackcurrant. The malt blend includes Pilsner and caramel varieties. Our current Dampen, created for the Fjordsteam Fjordboat Festival in Florø in 2010, quickly became a regular favourite. It is fitting therefore that the label depicts a famous local steamer, DS Atløy. Dampen is an all-purpose table beer that complements a variety of menus, coping especially well with rich or spicy dishes.
Malt: Pilsner malt and caramel malt
Hops: Hallertau Northern Brewer and Cascade
Yeast: Wyeast 2278 Czech Pilsner

Kinn Bryggeri
– Pale stout 7,0%
Stout, a word that does double duty in England and Norway, originally denoted a strong beer. Either the darker, Porter Stout, or the lighter, Pale Stout. Stouts used to be generally stronger than the regular, everyday ale. Nowadays the term tends to mean a dark, top-fermented brew. Here at Kinn we take our history seriously, so we brew our Gamleguten “Old Boy” Pale Stout like a brown ale, with a taste that is darker than the pale hue would suggest. As a strong, relatively pale ale, it is a proud representative of the Pale Stout family. Gamleguten has a complex, though balanced, malt flavour with hints of milk chocolate, nuts, caramel and a touch of coffee. To the mash we add Pale Ale malt, amber malt and caramel malt, with just the one hop variety from East Kent Goldings. As with all our Anglo style beers, our yeast partner is Wyeast 1318 London Ale III. Gamleguten won a bronze medal in Barcelona Beer Challenge in 2016.
Malt: Pale Ale malt, caramel malt and amber malt
Hops: East Kent Goldings
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– IPA 4.5%
Norway lacks the climate to grow our own hops, so we have to trawl the hop farms of the world to find our ideal shade of flavouring. Kinn’s Globetrotter has indeed been around the world, gathering hops from Europe, America and Oceania. Together the partnership results in an exquisite IPA that finely balances citric, tropical fruit, spicy and flower bouquets. But not too overpowering, subtlety is also a virtue!
Malt: Pilsner, Munich, Cara Clair and Crystal malt
Hops: Magnum, Galaxy, Citra, Simcoe, Cascade and Bobek
Yeast: White Labs London Fog

Kinn Bryggeri
– Blonde Ale 4,5%
Gull – meaning Gold – is a light, zestful Blonde Ale, a halfway house between Pilsner and Pale Ale. Top fermentation at a moderate temperature reduces the fruitiness but enhances the raw malt and complex hop tones. Ideal as a thirst-quencher or accompaniment to light meals.
Malt: Pale Ale, Pilsner, Munich and Cara malts
Hops: Magnum, Saaz and Sapphire
Yeast: Safale US-05

Kinn Bryggeri
– Gose 4.5%
Is there any better way of enjoying a visit to the majestic Outer Skerries Lighthouse than with a glass of Kinn Calm Sea? Amaze at the eerie presence of the Kinnaklova Cleft Mountain as the sun sinks below the horizon. Havblikk is a light, refreshing Gose-style, top-fermented wheat beer, using soured wort prior to kettle-boiling. Yet this Gose is not sour, but has the merest hint of acidity for that added jest. Spiced with touches of coriander and salt to accentuate the refreshing tang, this exceptional glass is ideal on a hot summer’s day by the ocean, and a perfect accompaniment to light seafood and salad dishes.
Malt: Pilsner, wheat and soured malt
Hops: Magnum and Styrian Bobek
Yeast: Fermentis US-05
Spices: Salt and coriander seed

Kinn Bryggeri
– IPA 4,5%
Humleriket – our Hop Heaven – is a light and sprightly IPA in the West Coast style with a robust, hoppy aroma that varies from batch to batch. Despite the powerful hoppiness, this ale is still gentle by nature due to the open fermentation. This IPA is neither pasteurised nor filtered, which perfectly fits the style. Ideal with spicy food.
Malt: Pale Ale malt, Pale caramel malt and flaked oats
Hops: Variable
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III

Kinn Bryggeri
– Extra Strong India Pale Ale 9,0%
Our Hop Wine is a very strong IPA using large quantities of American hops, joyously romping in a robust malty profile, both bitter and fruity at the same time. Best served with pungent cheeses, or simply alone in a glass. As a matter of style, Kinn’s Hop Wine inhabits the borderland between American Barley Wine and Triple IPA, so we are all very excited to see how it matures on storage.
Malt: Pilsner, Biscuit, Black Malt and sugar
Hops: Chinook, Cascade, Citra and CTZ
Yeast: WLP066 London Fog
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Søtt stautøl 9,0%
I tidlegare århundre i England vart det bryggja ein del søte stautvariantar og desse vart marknadsførte som styrkande drikke til ammande mødre og sjuke. No skal ikkje vi gå god for akkurat det, men vil heller seie at Invalidstaut er eit mjukt og søtleg staut porterøl. Det har ei fin fruktigheit frå vår Londongjær og ekstra fylde frå tilsetjinga av laktose og kakao. Dette er eit fint øl i lag med mørke dessertar.
Malt: Pale ale, krystall- og sjokolademalt, byggflak, røsta bygg, laktose og kakao.
Humle: Target
Gjær: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– English Barley Wine 10%
Barley wine was brewed from a range of ingredients, but our favourite is the English variant of this beer. Our barley wine is made exclusively from English ingredients. The residual sweetness is high, and with a few years of maturation those noble oxidisation flavours emerge. Sherry and liquorice are desirable characteristics of this fine, well-matured barley wine.
Malt: Pale ale and caramel
Hops: East Kent Golding and Northern Brewer
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Triple Saison 9,5%
Jubilation is a seasonal, celebratory beer for those festive occasions. Light, fruity and with a jaunty sparkle, our Jubel is a call-out to the Belgian crafts-beer traditions. Only available in limited batches in generous magnum bottles. Enjoy this seasonal greeting as an aperitif, well-chilled in a tall glass.
Malt: Pilsner and wheat
Hops: Zeus, Tettnanger, Hallertauer Mittelfrüher
Yeast: Fermentis Safbrew BE-134

Kinn Bryggeri
– Scotch ale 6,5%
Originally all Christmas Beers aspired to be strong, dark and malty. Our purple-label Julefred 6.5 % has been brewed in the Yuletide tradition, and is designed first and foremost to provide a perfect accompaniment to the traditional Western Norway Christmas fare. We have created a holiday beer in the Scottish style, with prominent sweetness from the malt sugar, and a moderate yeast note. The result is rich flavours of dark malt that highlight the taste. Do not chill, or the finer points of the malt flavour will be lost.
Malt: Pale Ale malt, caramel malt, dark caramel malt, amber malt and roasted barley
Hops: Hallertau Northern Brewer and Fuggles
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgian Pale Ale 5,5%
Kveldsbris – Evening Breeze – is offered as a clean, refreshing and not-too-alcoholic Belgian ale. It has a fine balance of Belgian yeastiness with the premier hop varieties from three wildly different districts: East Kent Goldings on England’s south coast, Saaz from Zatec in the Czech Republic, and Amarillo from Yakima Valley in the United States of America. Kveldsbris is a most versatile table ale that can cope with more spiciness and richness than a regular wheat beer.
Malt: Pilsner malt, wheat malt and light caramel malt
Hops: East Kent Goldings, Saaz and Amarillo
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Stout ale 4.5 %
There is only one way to greet our dark brown Landkjenning – with a rousing cry of Land Ahoy! This
dark brown ale boasts a rich roasty taste and excellent body, magically concocted from classic Black
and Amber malts, and East Kent Golding hops. An everyday favourite that many never tire of, and
with a well-earned reputation as the ideal complement to barbeque meats and strong, spicy dishes, a
fine stout is perfect with taco dinners, for instance.
Malt: Pilsner, Dextrin, Amber, Black
Hops: East Kent Golding, Magnum
Yeast: London Fog

Kinn Bryggeri
– American Pale Ale 5,5%
It’s an easy matter to get caught up in our maelstrom of hoppiness, less easy to put it down. Kinn’s Malstraum is a refreshing, zesty, cloudy amber APA with a tropical, fruity, hoppy aroma and crisp white foam. Lightly malted, but with a touch of bitters for aftertaste and drinkability. We selected Zeus, Cascade, Chinook, Simcoe and Citra for our hop list. Though principally intended to stand alone, Malstraum pairs well with spicy fare and barbecue dishes.
Malt: Pilsner, Munich Malt and Caramel Malt
Hops: Zeus, Chinook, Cascade, Simcoe and Citra
Yeast: WLP066 London Fog
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgium blonde 4,5%
The legend of Sancta Sunniva tells of an Irish princess and her loyal courtiers who fled across the sea, finding refuge on the islands of Selja and Kinn. The legend says nothing of drink, but it is a well-known fact that beer brewing was common in the monasteries, and the monks who came to Selja in the 1100s made a brew from hops grown on the island. Our Monk harks back to the Belgian Trappist Monastery and reflects what those pious individuals imbibed on a daily basis. At Kinn Brewery we employ the same yeast and same fermentation vessels as our ancient brothers, combined with bottle conditioning for that explosive taste. Monk is moderately hopped to avoid overpowering the subtle yeast tones. Just a dash of caramel malt generates an intriguing palate for all-round table appeal. The ideal foil for light fish and shellfish dishes, Monk is served best between 6-8 °C.
Malt: Pilsnermalt, Cara blond, Special B
Hops: Cascade, Tettnanger
Yeast: WLP530 Abbey Ale

Kinn Bryggeri
– Pilsner 4,5%
Murar is a light, refreshing lager with a slow afterglow of pure hops. It goes without saying that our Bricklayer is unfiltered and bottle-conditioned. Choice ingredients combined with long, near-freezing, traditional fermentation mean a rich palate of hoppy notes, just as in ancient times. Fine lager takes commitment, and we cut no corners. Initial fermentation at 10 °C is followed by up to 2 months in cold-storage. Be sure to decant from the bottle with a foamy head to best accentuate the subtle flavours. Kinn Murar works well as a fine complement to fish and shellfish dishes.
Malt: Pilsner and Munich
Hops: Magnum and Hallertau Mittelfrüh
Yeast: Fermentis 34/70

Kinn Bryggeri
– English IPA 6,5%
Our Eastertime Påske Øl has its roots in the original India Pale Ale created in England in the 1800s. As the name suggests, it is pale with a light malt body and generous helpings of English hops. The hoppiness is different here than in most modern IPAs since it uses English – not American – hops. Kinn Påske Øl has a pale, cloudy appearance and is delicately hoppy. Relatively high bitterness is combined with many floral, citric and marzipan nuances from the hop gardens of Kent. Only available for Easter.
Malt: Maris Otter Pale Ale malt
Hops: Fuggles and East Kent Golding
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III

Kinn Bryggeri
– Pale Ale glutenfree 4,5%
Pilegrim is a light, refreshing Yorkshire-style regular and the very first beer to come out of Kinn Brewery when we started in 2009. The very best malt in the business is the key: Maris Otter Pale Ale malt from Thomas Fawcett, plus light caramel malt. There is crisp bitterness, and a fresh aroma of hops. Traditional English hops like Target and Fuggles are combined with the right mix of spices, earthy flavours and floral essence. We add an aromatic tang of American citrus from Centennial and Amarillo. A special enzyme digests the gluten in the barley to below 20 ppm, making Pilegrim Bitter a gluten-free option perfect for sensitive pilgrims. Ideal for white meat, pizza, pasta, and lightly spiced dishes.
Malt: Maris Otter Pale Ale malt and light caramel malt
Hops: Target, Fuggles, Centennial and Amarillo
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale IIII

Kinn Bryggeri
– Pale Lager 4,5%
In terms of style, Kinn Pils is a mix of classic Germanic and Czech summertime pilsners. The malt and hops are German, the yeast Czech. Where light German pilsners are filtered, in Czechia the premium varieties are unfiltered. Our unfiltered Pils is conditioned in the bottle to maximise the fine nuances of the first-rate ingredients and extended, cool fermentation. Lager beers take time, and we make no compromises on quality with Kinn Pils. The first pitch at 10 °C is followed by up to 2 months of near-freezing storage in vats before tapping into bottles. This is the drink for anyone wanting a light, fresh-tasting beer with intriguing character. Ideal for those who have overdone the Triple Indias and sturdy Stouts recently.
Malt: Pilsner and melanoidin malt
Hops: Magnum and Hallertau Mittelfrüh
Yeast: Wyeast 2278 Czech Pils

Kinn Bryggeri
– Brown Stout 6,0%
The recipe for Prestesonen, our Parson’s Son stout, is simplicity itself: 40 % Pale Ale malt, 30 % brown malt and 30 % amber malt, copious doses of East Kent Golding at the start of the boil, and English top-yeast. The dry-roasted malt creates an intense aroma and complex flavours. To many this might be too much of a good thing, but for fans of English stout, the blend is perfect. Our 2015 and 2016 vintage Prestesonen is maturing slowly and is now available. Ideal for dark meat dishes and chocolate desserts.
Malt: Maris Otter Pale Ale, amber and brown malt
Hops: East Kent Golding
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgian Dubbel glutenfree 7,0%
Pryl – meaning a jolly good thrashing – is our come-back after placing as runners-up to Ringnes in the Bryggeribråk contest in autumn 2014. Pryl is partly a homage to the winner, partly the table beer we wish we had entered in the Brewery Bash competition. Belgian top-fermentation is recognised as delivering a really good table beer, and Pryl makes a fine partner with most meat dishes. Classic Belgian Dubbel is a dark ale, much of whose depth stems from the dark candi syrup added to the mash. Hops are discreet so the flavour is mainly from the intense fermentation process. We allow the heat to rise unimpeded to 28 °C before chilling. A special enzyme brings the barley gluten below 20 ppm for a gluten-free option.
Malt: Pilsner malt, dark caramel malt, dehusked chocolate malt, sugar and dark candi syrup
Hops: Fuggles
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Raspberry Beer 4,5%
Rosa Kinn really appropriately translates as Rosy Cheeks – perfect for a light, sprightly summer ale resonant with raspberry zest. Starting with a light malt base, acidified with lactic acid culture in the kettle, we add tart local raspberries from Fresvik in Sogn. The result is a refreshing, fruit-filled sour ale, resplendent with raspberries. Rosa Kinn works well as an excellent aperitif or complement to fruit desserts.
Malt: Pale Ale malt, wheat malt, oats and sour/ acidulated malt
Hops: Magnum
Berries: Raspberries from Fresvik in Sogn
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgisk gardsøl 7,5%
Saison Extra er ein sterkare versjon av klassisk belgisk gardsøl. Den har ein kompleks aroma av frukt og krydder og eit lett søtleg maltpreg. På dette ølet brukar vi ei gjær frå eit fransk bryggeri som lagar eit ekstremt utgjæra øl, men som likevel smakar mjukt og mildt. Saison Extra er særs godt følgje til krabbe, klippfisk, mange rettar av svinekjøtt og kylling. Jamvel modne, mjuke ostar vil passe godt. Eit svært anvendeleg matøl til mange ulike rettar.
Malt: Pilsner malt, kveitemalt og sukker
Humle: Zeus og East Kent Goldings
Gjær: Fermentis T-58
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Porter 5,5%
Eit porterøl med rik maltkarakter er mange ølkjennarar sitt favorittøl. Sælebot har også ein fin krydra humlekarakter og fruktige smakar frå gjæringa i opne tankar. Dette er ølet for ei stille stund, grillmat eller mørke kjøtgryter. Kan drikkast ferskt, men vil også utvikle seg positivt med 1 – 2 års lagringstid i kjellaren.
Malt: Pale Ale, Crystal, Special B, Chocolate og Black malt
Humle: Eukanot og Northern Brewer
Gjær: Wyeast 1318 London ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Brown Ale/ Brunt øl 4,5%
Sjelefred er ei svært smaksrik øl trass i det moderate alkoholinnhaldet. Smaken er maltfokusert med ulike nyansar av karamell og røsta malt. Vi har blanda seks ulike sortar malt for den rette balansen. Humletilsettingane med Northern Brewer og Fuggles er moderate for å ikkje ta fokuset bort frå malten. Husgjæra vår frå London bidreg med sine typiske engelske fruktige tonar. Ikkje drikk Sjelefred for kald, då misser du dei fine maltnyansane. Serverast til storfe, lam, vilt og mørke gryterettar.
Malt: Pale ale malt, karamellmalt, mørk karamellmalt, amber malt, lys sjokolademalt og sjokolademalt
Humle: Hallertau Northern Brewer og Fuggles
Gjær: Wyeast 1318 London ale III

Kinn Bryggeri
– White India Pale Ale 6,5%
Skoddehav – Mist – is our alternative “misty” IPA, lighter in colour than our regular brand. Normally IPAs use English or American indigenous yeasts, but Skoddehav uses our Belgian Trappist High Gravity variant. Its special feature is the dry ale that results, which nevertheless has a touch of sweetness. The recipe features Pilsner, wheat and oat malts. Hops are a blend of two aromatic varieties, Cascade and Citra. Skoddehav emerges as a pale, refreshing ale with light body, balanced yeast imprint and a strong, fresh hoppy aroma. An excellent choice for spicy Asian seafood dishes, chicken and pork.
Malt: Pilsner malt, wheat malt and oat malt
Hops: Citra and Cascade
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgian Farmhouse Ale 6,0%
Our Slåtteøl Belgian Farmhouse Ale is a light, thirst-quenching, hay-making season favourite in the Belgian Saison tradition. Allowing Trappist yeast to run free to 26 °C, means an attenuated and spicy ale. It is very dry, almost acidic. We use Pilsner malt as the basis, adding small amounts of sour malt, wheat malt, caramel malt and Bayer malt. A hint of chocolate malt produces a deep golden colour. Northern Brewer bitter hops provide an edge, whilst East Kent Goldings impart a classic, balanced aroma with floral and spicy hints.
Malt: Pilsner malt, wheat malt, light caramel malt, Bayer malt, sour malt and dehusked chocolate malt
Hops: Hallertau Northern Brewer and East Kent Goldings
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– French Farmhouse Ale 7,5%
Often in Norway the Christmas dinner features fish or fowl. Solsnu is a beer designed specifically for these Winter Solstice dishes. The style builds on the bière de garde, or “beer for keeping” favoured by French farmers. Its characteristic slight fruitiness from the yeasting process melds with a moderate, yet noble, hoppiness and robust malt body. Traditional Christmas beers tend to be ideal for meat dishes, and to make up for this we introduced Solsnu before Christmas 2014 as a lighter, deep midwinter alternative for fish and poultry lovers.
Malt: Pilsner malt, Bayer malt, light caramel malt and dehusked chocolate malt
Hops: Hallertau Northern Brewer and Hallertau Mittelfrüh
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– American Pale Ale 5.5%
Our Sommarøl is a pale and refreshing seasonal favourite that takes its inspiration from American Pale Ale. A bright summer ale, it is dominated by hops and delightfully refreshing. Ideal by itself or at the barbeque. Available from May – August.
Malt: Pale ale and light caramel malt
Hops: Cascade and Amarillo
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– IPA/ Indiaøl 4,5%
Splint er eit anna ord for ein omreisande person. Øltypen India Pale Ale har også hatt si reise rundt verda og plukka opp litt her og litt der. Til Splint blandar vi saman engelsk gjær, belgisk malt og humle frå USA og Tyskland til eit artig brygg. Friske, lette smakar i god harmoni. Passar godt som tyrstesløkkjar eller til lettare matrettar.
Malt: Pale Ale, Munich og Cara malt
Humle: Zeus, Amarillo og Bravo
Gjær: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgian Witbier 5,5%
Since 1867, the Stabben Lighthouse has guided seafarers on the approach to Florø. The sprawling structure almost entirely covers the rock it stands on, and is a cherished homing beacon for local residents. Kinn’s Stabben beer is a light, refreshing wheat beer in the Belgian tradition which, true to its Belgian roots, features orange zest and coriander seed. Stabben is the ideal companion for light dishes such as seafoods and salads.
Malt: Pilsner and wheat malt
Hops: Magnum and Tettnanger
Yeast: WLP530 Abbey Ale
Spices: Orange peel and coriander seeds
At vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Yuletide Stout 8 %
In this season of good cheer, we love to compose a seasonal ale designed for pure enjoyment, and our
Stjernenatt perfectly sets the stage for a wonderful fireside evening. This stout may be as dark as a
winter's night, but the subtle blend of spices warms and stirs the holiday spirit. Dark malts
predominate, with a festive tint of liquorice, coriander, and star anise. Cuddle up in front of the fire at
home, or bring a reindeer hide to a bonfire on a clear, starry night.
Malt: Pilsner, Special B, Black, Chocolate, Sugar and Dark Candy Syrup
Hops: Northern Brewer and Tettnanger
Spices: Coriander seed and Star Anise
Yeast: WLP530 Abbey Ale
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Foreign Extra Double Imperial Russian Export Stout Porter 10%
Svartekunst – Black Magic – is a Porter Stout we brewed initially in summer 2011, to celebrate our Batch Number 100. Each year sees a new vintage, and the detailed recipe is adjusted each time, so that later tasting sessions can make some really interesting comparisons. As the label suggests, this is a highly potent and powerful beer. The bitterness, however, will fade in the cellar, and the vinous tones will amplify. Coffee, burnt notes, smoke and leather are the dominant flavours. Residual sweetness is heavy, while the hops are dry with a bitter finish. We believe this stout can improve for 20 years, hence the legend “Best After” rather than “Best Before”.
Malt: Pale ale, caramel, amber, brown and chocolate malt and roasted barley
Hops: East Kent Golding and Target
Yeast: Wyeast 1318 London Ale III
At Vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Belgian Quadrupel 10,5%
Among the most complex beers in the world are the strong, dark Belgian Quads. Our Feast of Thomas is brewed well before Christmas and allowed a generous period in which to mellow and mature. The well-rounded flavour that results emphasises nuttiness, dark, dried fruits, and a vinous character. The recipe may be rudimentary, but the ingredients are first class. Yet Tomasmesse is a highly complex beer, not least as the fermentation is allowed to reach 28 °C, and the product is cellared for an extended maturation phase. Tomasmesse is a joy by itself, with rich meat dishes, and with desserts such as cake or cloudberry cream.
Malt: Pilsner malt, dark caramel malt, dehusked chocolate malt, sugar and dark candi syrup
Hops: Fuggles
Yeast: Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
At vinmonopolet

Kinn Bryggeri
– Saison 6,0%
I Det gamle testamentet har vi lese om korleis det kjem sju gode år og sju dårlege år. 2020 vil gå inn i historiebøkene som eit uår, og la oss håpe det blir med det eine. Uår er ein godt humla saison, som er litt tørr og stram i karakteren. Denne gongen har vi brukt ei blanding av Tettnanger, Goldings og Bobek. Tettnanger gir delikat krydder, Goldings jord og blomster og Styrian Bobek litt appelsin. Dette var det vi ville få fram i lag med gjæringskarakteren til fermentis T-58. Maltbasen er veldig enkel: pilsner malt med litt svartmalt slik at fargen endar opp som lys gylden. Uår er eit fabelaktig matøl, eller kan berre brukast som eit vanleg øl.
Malt: Pilsner og svartmalt
Humle: Northern Brewer, East Kent Golding, Tettnanger og Bobek
Gjær: Fermentis T-58
At Vinmonopolet