TBYGC – Dead King Gin

46% || That Boutique-y Gin Company

In the 19th century how did the intelligentsia get their kicks? By getting hold of an Egyptian mummy and coming together to watch as it was unwrapped by an Egyptologist. This gin takes the aromatics used in an embalming, and which you might find in, on or around a dead pharaoh.

Bejewelled, golden and etched with Hieroglyphics, the lid of the Sarcophagus is slightly ajar. Filled with juniper berries, honey, myrrh, moss and other fragrant botanicals.

Tasting Notes
Nose: Initially sulphuric, herbaceous scents, rosemary and spice.

Palate: Honey sweet, herbs, spice and everything nice.

Finish: A lasting caraway spice, honey, star anise.

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